
December 21, 1990

1990s Expansion into Central America and opening of Formation Houses

When the Missionary Servants looked to open a mission in Costa Rica, we wanted the poorest and most abandoned place in the country….and we found it on the Osa Peninsula. In 1994, Missionary Servants served as pastor of Parroquia Santo Domingo De Guzmán (St. Dominic of Guzman Parish) in the town of Puerto Jiménez on the Osa Peninsula.  Besides the main church in Puerto Jimenez, there are 26 chapels served by the mission.  The parish encompasses nine square miles of rural communities, including the Indian reserve that is home to the Guaymí tribe.  Today, our men continue the Missionary Servants’ tradition of service to the people of St. Dominic’s parish.

Resources for the Centennial Celebration

Are you looking for ways that your mission can celebrate the centennial?