
February 25, 2022

Newsletter: Fr. Judge, “Every Catholic an Apostle” Spring 2022

Thomas Augustine Judge was born to Irish immigrants in 1868 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was ordained a Vincentian priest in 1899 and soon began ministering to poor immigrants, many of whom were experiencing a crisis in faith and leaving the Catholic church.

Father Judge standing in the sacristy of his first chapel

Throughout his life, Father Judge placed great importance in en couraging laity to participate in the mission and ministry of the Church. After establishing the first Missionary Cenacle Apostolate in 1909 in Brooklyn, New York, he was relocated in 1915 to a rural community in Alabama.

Paredon, Haiti

In this poor community, a place Father Judge named “Holy Trinity,” the roots of what would later become the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, a con gregation of priests and Brothers, were established. First, however, as he set a goal of making “every Catholic an apostle,” he founded a congregation of women religious called the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity.

Soon his missionary spirit began to spread amongst southern communities as it already had in the north. Over the years, the Missionary Cenacle Family continued to grow as more laity committed to the charism.

Huitzila, Mexico

As we look towards the next one hundred years, I want to first thank you for partnering with us in building vibrant faith communities and strengthening the lives of those in need. Your prayers and contributions empower us to make a difference in the lives of people in need, those who are struggling, and those who need a leg up in their lives. We cannot do it without you!

To help us commemorate our centennial anniversary, I humbly ask for your prayers, your friend ship, your trust, and your support in enabling us to be messengers of hope and life.

And please remember that in gratitude for your prayerful and financial support and friendship, we pray for the intentions of our benefactors each and every Friday.

Be sure to use the enclosed en velope to send me your prayer intentions today so that we may include them in the Centennial Closing Mass on Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022. Along with your intentions, please consider sending a donation to help us continue our important work.

May God bless you for participat ing in our ministry and being a missionary right alongside us… a missionary in the vision of our founder, Father Thomas Judge.

In the Most Holy Trinity,
Fr. Michael K. Barth, S.T.
General Custodian

Resources for the Centennial Celebration

Are you looking for ways that your mission can celebrate the centennial?